donderdag 3 februari 2011


Hi all,

Most of you will probably think; ‘Why on earth has Willemijn started blogging? And why isn’t she blogging in Dutch?’. Well, the main reason I’ve this account is because I’ve to start blogging for the ‘Business Information Technology’ course I’m taking at the University of Tilburg.

A few years ago I was an intern in Malta and I started blogging about my adventures, for my family and friends in Holland, so this blogging thing is not completely new to me. What I liked most about blogging was the interaction. Friends and family who responded to my blogs were the reason I continued writing blogs and I actually enjoyed it.

From now on, I’ll blog you every week. I won’t blog about my adventures in Malta (unfortunately) but about  interesting studies and all kinds of petty facts that come up during my study at the University of Tilburg, which is also some kind of adventure of course ;-).

Please don’t be shy and post a comment every now and then so we can make it more interactive !!

I’ll catch up with you later !