donderdag 17 maart 2011


The image below of Einstein appears to protruding out of the background, but is it? How sure are you?

Believe it or not, this image is a concave mask, a hollow face.

Previous semester at the University of Tilburg I got introduced to the Hollow-Face illusion, also known as Hollow-Mask illusion. This optical illusion gives you the perception of a concave mask of a face appears as a normal convex face.

The first time I had seen the video in class I could not believe my eyes, I thought it was simply not possible my brain could fool me like that. At home I searched on the Internet and discovered that, unfortunately, my brain is capable of fooling me.

Scholars suggested that the illusion arises because our brain ‘knows’ that we are seeing a face. We human have only seen convex faces in our life so this knowledge trumps other visual cues that suggest it’s not convex like real faces we have seen in life.

Watch the video below and see it for yourself. After watching you probably will fully understand why I had to share this with you.

Don't hesitate to leave comments :).

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