vrijdag 25 maart 2011

How radioactive exposure affects your health

Hi all,

I’m sure you’re all aware of the tsunami in Japan with all its consequences. It is difficult to imagine the impact of radioactive exposure. Yesterday, Singapore has reported finding low levels of radioactivity in four vegetable samples imported from Japan. Singapore has stopped imports of milk, meat and related products from the affected area. The European Union also increases control on food imports from Japan.

How does radioactive exposure affects your health?
Symptoms of radiation illness occur when the body has been in contact with a large dose of radiation over a short period of time. The more the body is in contact with radiation, the sicker this person gets.

The symptoms of radiation illness vary depending on the exposure. Certain symptoms become visible immediately after the exposure, followed by a period of approximately four weeks when the patient will feel better. More symptoms will materialize later, if the patient survives there is a higher chance of developing cancer, most likely a form of leukemia.

For the Dutch:

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