maandag 14 maart 2011

Online communication

Dear followers,

As you all know the Internet has grown fast, only a few years ago the Internet was used for text-based discussions via chat or e-mail, these systems were devoid of nonverbal cues. At that time there were many scholars which maintained that people misbehaved oneself on the Internet. According to Kraut et al. (1998); “Greater use of the Internet is associated with declines in participants’ communication with family members in the household, declines in the size of their social circle, and increases in their depression and loneliness”. However, the complaint that online communication is bad communication was often made by early scholars, the Internet has changed a lot through the years.

Enough history !

Today, the Internet provides numerous communication spaces in which people meet others. Newshounds find sources of information via blogs. People using social networking sites, such as Facebook, Hyves and others, to see what their friends are doing and with whom they are associating.

Research shows that people like each other more through online communication than face-to-face communication. “Online contact is more social, personal and more intimate”, according to Walther (1996).

- People optimize their self presentation, because of the positive self presentation we feemore comfortable and relaxed therefore the communication passes off smoothly
- The positive things leaves us a pleasant first impression, we hold on to first impressions therefore a lot needs to happen to get disappointed afterwards .
- Because people feel more comfortable contacting others online than face-to-face, they are more open to answer questions and give more personal information.
- People have more time to respond which result into better answers.
- People often have a shared group membership, such as ‘I-Love-Vacation’ or ‘Football-Fan’, they can end up thinking that they have more in common than they might actually have.

pls, feel free to leave a message J

4 opmerkingen:

  1. hmm... I guess it makes sense.. it's easier to communicate with others online. But online you miss the advantage of non-verbal communication, therefore it could happen that things get misunderstood. And it is much more difficult to "read between lines" or for example see if someone is lying...

  2. Kees, you're right about the advantage of non-verbal communication. Therefore people will, luckily, always feel the need to have face-to-face communication. However, it is still possible to have non-verbal communication online, for example; using a webcam.

    Some scientific literature:
    "Because textbased communications is devoid of auditory and physical cues, small textual cues such as word choice, punctuation, emoticons, and typos may, in fact, become more salient"(Derks, Bos & von Grumbkow, 2008). "Similar to facial expressions and body language in FtF communications, these non-verbal cues provide us additional information regarding the senders"(Jacobson, 1999).

  3. Hi Willemijn,

    The example about the webcam is indeed a possibility, however using a webcam is so close to f2f contact that it does not have most of the advantages of online contact (positive self presentation/time to respond/comfertzone). I think that using a webcam will mostly be used to replace f2f contact when this is not possible. (businesswise or when you're to far apart)

    As for the quote you put on, yes i guess punctuation a.o. can give away the same 'hints' as non verbal communication but only when you know the other person. I think that for the average person it will be very difficult to 'read' a strangers punctuation. While body language is often (even if unintended) much more obvious.

    What do you think?

  4. Hi Kees,

    I really appreciate your interesting comments!

    I totally agree with you about webcams mostly are being used to replace f2f contact when it is not possible. That webcam does not have most of the advantages of online contact is true however, you can manipulate the light or the environment (bedroom, living room etc). Whenever you feel like ending the conversation you are able to turn off the webcam. This way you're still able to manipulate the situation and it makes you feel more comforable.
    Using a webcam is a great opportunity to get to know each other better and a great supplement of online texted based contact.

    About body language being more obvious: research shows that the more people are used to CMC (communicating with people online) the more they get used and understand eachother’s cues, even from ‘strangers’ (Petterson, 2002), but it also depends on the willingness to communicate of both persons.
