vrijdag 1 april 2011

April Fools' Day

Has anyone tricked you or have you tricked anyone with a joke today?

Today it is April 1, also known as April Fools’ Day. In the Netherlands and elsewhere, such as in France, Italy, Japan, Russia, Brazil and Canada, the jokes last all day. However, traditionally in some countries such as New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, Australia and South Africa the jokes only last until noon, persons who plays a trick after noon is called an ‘April Fool’.

The history of April Fools’ Day will always remain vague. Another nonfoolish holiday such as Halloween has a more attractive and clear history than April Fools’ Day. There isn’t really a ‘first’ April Fools’ Day and no one knows exactly where and how it all begun. However, most people say it all started in 1582 in France.

Other Fools’ Days;
- Iranians play pranks on each other on the 13th day of the Persian new year, which falls on April 1 or April 2. This day is called Sizdah Bedar.

- In Spanish-speaking countries, similar pranks are practiced on December 28, día de los Santos
Inocentes, the "Day of the Holy Innocents".

- In Scotland April Fool's Day is celebrated for two days. The second day, which is called Taily Day, is devoted to pranks involving the posterior region of the body. The origin of the "kick me" sign can be traced to this observance.

Do you know any fun jokes? Don't hesitate to share !!

Funny April Fools Prank:

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Zou u C. Hond (zeehond) kunnen terug bellen?
    vervolgens worden doorverbonden met dolfinarium.

  2. Mag ik de heer K. Bouter van u?
    Kunt u me door verbinden met H.B. Gijs?
    Kan jij de plintentrap even uit het magezijn halen voor me?
    Heeft u ook een poerlemetator?
